School and University History
- Photographic Records of the Celebrations on the Completion of Tokyo Women Higher Normal School Building
- 60-Year History of Tokyo Women Higher Normal School. Edited and Issued by Tokyo Women Higher Normal School (October 1934)
- 60-Year History of Tokyo Women Higher Normal School. Edited by Tokyo Women Higher Normal School, Reprinted. (Nihon kyoikushi bunken shusei. Dai2: Shihan gakko enkakushi no bu; 1 [Japanese Educational Documents Vol. 2: History of Normal Schools 1]) Issued by Daiichi Shobo (February 1981)
- 100-Year History of Ochanomizu University. Edited and issued by the 100- Year History of Ochanomizu University Committee (May 1984) >> PDF >> Text
- 130th Anniversary Video: 130 Years of Ochanomizu University. Volume on Tokyo Women Higher Normal School. Created and produced by Ochanomizu University (November 2005)
School Reports
- Tokyo Women Higher Normal School Report. Issued by Tokyo Women Higher Normal School. From No. 1 (September 18, 1926) to No. 525 (May 11, 1940)
- Ochanomizu University Report. Issued by Ochanomizu University. From Reissue No. 1 (April 1961) to No. 211 (March 1, 2003)
- Ochadai Gazette, Ochanomizu University Report. Issued by Ochanomizu University. From No. 212 (March 23, 2007)
Alumnae Association
Ouinkai is the alumnae association established in August 1903, for Ochanomizu University, Tokyo Women Higher Normal School, Women Higher Normal School, Women Campus of Higher Normal School, Tokyo Women Normal School, Tokyo Special Training School for Secondary Education Teachers, Tokyo Women Provisional Teacher Training Center, and Sixth Provisional Teacher Training Center.
Tokyo Women Higher Normal School Album of the School 50th Anniversary. Edited and issued by Ouinkai (November 1925)
History of Ouinkai. Edited by Ouinkai. Main and subsequent 2 volumes. Issued by Ouinkai (November 1940, November 1975)
100-Year History of Ouinkai. Edited and issued by Ouinkai (March 2006)
60th Anniversary Paper of Ouinkai Tokyo Branch. Issued by Ouinkai Tokyo Branch (October 2007)
Ouinkai Report. Edited by Ouinkai. From the first edition (December 25, 1903) to No. 250 (May 5, 1943); Reissue No. 1 (March 15, 1952)
Catalog of Materials
- Catalog of Materials on Kono Yasui. Issued by Institute for Gender Studies, Ochanomizu University (March 2004)
- Catalog of Materials on Chika Kuroda. Issued by Institute for Gender Studies, Ochanomizu University (March 2000)
- Catalog of Materials on Michiyo Tsujimura. Issued by Institute for Gender Studies, Ochanomizu University (March 2003)