For Visitors

Researchers and scholars not affiliated with Ochanomizu University may utilize the library's collections under the guidelines set forth below.
First, select your relationship to the University:
High school students as well as children age 17 and under cannot enter the Library.

  1. Alumnae and retired faculty/staff of Ochanomizu University (Written in Japanese)
        Alumnae of Ochanomizu Senior High School (Written in Japanese)
  2. Students and faculty/staff of Partner Universities (Written in Japanese)
  3. Residents of Bunkyo Ward (Written in Japanese)
    You must first apply for our Library Membership Card at your nearest Bunkyo public library.
  4. Students and staff at other universities or academic institutions
    A request must be sent in advance through the library at your respective university or academic institution. Please wait a few days for our response.
    When visiting our Library, bring a valid institutional ID and either :
     ・A reference letter issued by your institution
     ・Our response letter to your request
    You are entitled to reading privileges (browsing, reading and photocopying).
    No checkout service is available. Please make sure in advance that the material in question is in our collection using OPAC(Online Public Access Catalog).
  5. Others
    A request must be sent in advance via Fax or email (see Request Form).
    Please wait a few days for our response. When visiting our Library, bring our response letter with you.
    You are entitled to reading privileges (browsing, reading and photocopying). No checkout service is available.
      ・Request Form (PDF)(Word)
       Download, fill in and send to the address/number below.
       Ochanomizu University Library, Attn: Reference Desk
       2-1-1 Otsuka, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 112-8610, Japan 
       E-mail :
       FAX: +81-3-5978-5933
       We will hold the requested titles at our Reference Desk for you.

Opening Hours for Visitors

Please be sure to check in at our Reference Desk during the hours below.
Monday to Friday 9:00-12:00 and 13:00-16:00
Visitors may stay inside the Library until 17:00.
The Library is not open to the public on weekends and holidays.
For details, check our calendar.