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Natural Science Report, Ochanomizu University

第4巻第1号 (1953-03-01)

Dr. Kono Yasui, Prof. Emer., Ochanomizu University(size:185K)
Ohtsuki T.
Dr. Chika Kuroda, Prof. Emer., Ochanomizu University(size:183K)
Anno K.
p.1-21 On a General Divisor Problem in Algebraic Number Fields(size:889K)
Iseki Kanesiroo
p.22-35 Some Theorems on Abelian Varieties(size:1065K)
Matsusaka Teruhisa
p.36-39 Sur les Points Singuliers des Equations Differentielles Ordinaires du Premier Ordre II(size:221K)
Kato Tizuko
p.40-43 Markov Processes and Stochastic Equations(size:246K)
Maruyama Gisiro
p.44-50 On the Imbedding Problem of Spaces of Constant Curvature in One Another(size:328K)
Tachibana Syun-ichi
p.51-54 A Note on a Metric Property of Capacity(size:256K)
Kametani Shunzi
p.55-63 On the Theory of Quantization for Particle Dynamics in Non-canonical Formalism(size:603K)
Shimose Tsuneto, Fujita Chohko
p.64-76 Tables Useful for the Calculation of the Molecular Integrals IV(size:1317K)
Ishiguro Eiichi
p.77-81 Paramagnetic Resonance of Mn-Palmitate and Mn-Stearate at 16mm and 8mm Wave-Lengths(size:303K)
Abe Hidetaro, Shimada Junji
p.82-86 On the Measurement of the Dielectric Constants at Ultra-high Frequencies(size:292K)
Ogawa Shizuko, Kato Kiyoe
p.87-91 羊毛の縮絨性に関する一考察 : 洗剤・濃度・機械作用・温度の影響とその推計学的検討(size:393K)
A Statistical Consideration of Wool Felting : Factorial Experimentation of Ternary System Comprising Detergent, Concentration and Mechanical Action
矢部 章彦, 薄田 京子
p.92-95 低圧測定用ウィルヘルミー型表面圧力計の考案(size:541K)
An Improved Apparatus for Measuring Low Film Pressures
井口 潔
p.96-99 温州蜜柑のビタミン(size:315K)
On the Vitamins of Unshu Orange : So-called unshu mikan
稻垣 長典
p.100-104 昆布のフラビンその他の成分に就て(size:396K)
Studies on Flavin and Other Substances in Laminaria japonica
辻村 みちよ, 山西 貞, 吉松 藤子
p.105-111 Studies on Relation between Dehydrogenase Activity and Viable Count of Bacterial Cells, with Special Reference to the Action of Antibiotics(size:493K)
Ohtsuki Torao
p.112-118 Discharge-Inducing Concentrations of Acids and Bases for the Nematocysts of Sea-Anemone(size:569K)
Yanagita Tame Masa, Wada Tuneyo
p.119-127 On the Anal-gland found in Squilla oratoria(size:2162K)
Oka Tohru B.
p.128-133 健康人における姿勢反射の様式 : 下肢の交叉性反射の筋電図学的研究(size:1319K)
Patterns of Postural Reflexes in Normal Persons : Electromyographic Studies on Crossed Reflexes of Legs
猪飼 道夫
p.134-137 肺活量の再考察(size:304K)
A Note on the Vital Capacity
渡辺 俊男
p.138-150 日本周縁の陸棚に関する二三の考察(size:1196K)
Some Consideration on the Continental Shelves around the Japanese Islands
吉川 虎雄