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Natural Science Report, Ochanomizu University

第2巻 (1951-11-01)

p.1-5 Some Remarks on Primary Lattices(size:346K)
Inaba Eizi
p.6-12 On an Elementary Treatise of Integration(size:325K)
Kametani Shunzi
p.13-17 Sur les Points Singuliers des Equations Differentielles Ordinaires du Premier Ordre(size:294K)
Kato Tizuko
p.18-24 A Remark on the Efficient Estimation(size:396K)
Kudo Hirokichi
p.25-27 Note on the Arc Sine Law in the Theory of Probability(size:122K)
Maruyama Gisiro
p.28-30 On Generalized Logarithmic Spirals in Riemann Spaces(size:110K)
Tachibana Syun-ichi
p.31-33 On a Relation between two Non-Euclidean Connexions of Einstein Spaces(size:146K)
Tachibana Syun-ichi
p.34-42 Tables Useful for the Calculation of the Molecular Integrals II(size:378K)
Ishiguro Eiichi, Arai Tadashi, Mizushima Masataka
p.43-51 On the Origin of Colored Lustre Exhibited by Metallic Wood-Borer, Chrysochroa elegans(size:1034K)
Miyamoto Kyuichiro, Kato Kiyoe, Kojima Fusa
p.52-61 On the Structure of the Atmospheric Turbulence Near the Ground II(size:655K)
Sakagami Jiro
p.62-78 On the Theoretical Studies about the Vortex Motion of Perfect Fluid I(size:922K)
Shimose Tsuneto
p.79-86 On Symmetrically Di-substituted Urea(size:531K)
Hayashi Taro, Kuyama Mineko
p.87-92 The Properties of Hydroxy Naphthoquinones(size:399K)
Kuroda Chika
p.93-101 Localization of Amnion-Forming Areas in the Early Chick Blastoderm(size:2008K)
Kume Matazo
p.102-106 雪水の水素イオン濃度測定に就て(size:404K)
On the Measurement of the pH Value of Snow Water
大槻 虎男
p.107-116 アヤメの諸変種,特にカマヤマショウブに就て(size:1329K)
On the Varieties of Iris Nertchinskia Loddiges, with Special Reference to So-Called Kamayama-Shobu
津山 尚, 風間 智惠子
p.117-123 The Influences of Immersion Media on the "Longevity" of Isolated Nematocysts of Sea-Anemone(size:524K)
Yanagita Tame Masa
p.124-132 On the Spontaneous Hybrids and their Descendants Found among the Cultivations of Different Species of Tradescantia Part I(size:2597K)
Yasui Kono
p.133-137 夏みかんより新苦味物質の単離 : 附 ゼタミンC含有苦味除去果汁について(size:469K)
Isolation of a New Bitter Substance from Citrus Natsudaidai (So-Called Natsumikan) : with Reference to Preparation of Bitterness-Free and Vitamin C Containing Natsumikan Juice
稻垣 長典
p.138-141 カラコギカエデの葉の成分に就て 第1報(size:1049K)
On Chemical Components in the Leaves of Acer aizuense
辻村 みちよ
p.142-147 螢光漂白劑の研究 第1報 : 染着性の定量的測定法について(size:409K)
Studies on the Fluorescent Whitening Agents I : Quantitative Determination of their Dyeing Characteristics
矢部 章彦
p.148-152 Tonic Neck Reflex in Patients(size:366K)
Ikai Mitio