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Natural Science Report, Ochanomizu University

第1巻 (1951-03-01)

p.1-5 A New Formulation of Mean Value Theorem(size:319K)
Kametani Shunzi
p.6-8 Remarks on Closed Mapping and Compactness(size:215K)
Iwamura Tsurane
p.9-13 On a Formulation of Classical Problems of Statistics(size:372K)
Kudo Hirokichi
p.14-16 On a Theorem of the Phragmen-Lindelof Type(size:99K)
Iseki Kanesiroo
p.17-21 On Singular Points of Ordinary Differential Equations of the First Order(size:195K)
Kato Tizuko
p.22-28 Tables Useful for the Calculation of the Molecular Integrals I(size:340K)
Ishiguro Eiichi, Hijikata Katsunori, Arai Tadashi, Mizushima Masataka
p.29-39 On the Retardation Effects in the Non-local Field Theory(size:749K)
Shimose Tsuneto
p.40-50 On the Structure of the Atmospheric Turbulence Near the Ground(size:935K)
Sakagami Jiro
p.51-56 ナフトキノン誘導體の研究 : ナフドプルプリン,フチオコール,ヒドロキシドレソロンの新合成法およびこれ等の關係化合物の研究(size:408K)
Studies on Naphthoquinone Derivatives : New syntheses of hydroxydroserone phthiocol and naphthopurpurin; and the studies of the related compounds
黒田 チカ
p.57-63 四塩化珪素とアンモニアとの反應に就いて(size:423K)
On the Reaction between Ammonia and Silicon Tetrachloride : Crystal-Model Study of the Products of the Reaction between Ammonia and Silicon Tetrachloride
吉田 武子, 井上 壽雄
p.64-70 2,3,5,6-テトラフェニルピペラジンの立體異性(I)(size:599K)
Stereoisomerism of 2, 3, 5, 6-Tetraphenyl-piperazine (I)
林 太郎
p.71-74 燐灰ウラン鑛の水分(size:278K)
Water Content of Autunite
中西 正城
p.75-81 A Phylogenetic Consideration on the Vascular Plants, Cotyledonary Node Including Hypocotyl Being Taken as the Ancestral Form : A Preliminary Note(size:603K)
Yasui Kono
p.82-87 Regulatory Processes Shown by the Fused Feather Primordia under Grafted Condition(size:1285K)
Kume Matazo
p.88-94 硝子に發生する絲状菌の研究 第2報 : 培養上の諸條件に就て(size:534K)
Studies on the Glass-mould II : Conditions for its cultivation
大槻 虎男
p.95-101 ヒメジョオンの群の多型性について(第2報) : 生活史におけるロゼットの地位(size:859K)
On the Polymorphism of Erigeron annuus Pers and E strigosus Muhl II : Situation of Rosettes in their Life History
津山 尚, 村瀬 曜代
p.102-110 分割前に遠心分離處理を施したアズマヒキガエルの卵から發生する二重複胚と三重複胚(size:887K)
Double and Triple Monsters Developed from Toad's Eggs Centrifuged before Cleavage
坂 宏子
p.111-117 チオ尿素に依る食品の貯藏に關する研究(size:487K)
On the Effectiveness of Thiourea in the Preservation of Foods
稻垣 長典
p.118-123 健康人の姿勢反射に及ぼすアルコールの効果(size:497K)
Effect of Alcochol on the Postural Reflex in Normal Persons
猪飼 道夫
Errata in Vol.1(size:46K)